Welcome to your parish family!
I want to personally thank you for investing your time in reviewing our Miami Lakes Congregational Church website. It is my prayer that you are considering visiting us soon. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey (or haven’t begun in earnest) – we are an open, affirming, supporting, non-judgmental, and safe congregation where your spiritual life is celebrated.
MLCC is the oldest active congregation in Miami Lakes, FL. We celebrated our first worship service in the Autumn of 1963. Since then, we have offered a timeless message of a loving God who has not finished personally speaking to every one of us as a caring parent desiring our mutual edification, growth, freedom, healing, and peace in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As members of the United Church of Christ (UCC), our commitment to you, your loves ones, and the community, is to remain faithful to that message in a prophetic and relentless manner.
We believe children are a fundamental part of any congregation. We provide Sunday school for Pre-K and Elementary school children. We continue to seek ways to expand our programs and see you as part of the growth, development, and expansion, of MLCCs future ministries. Our school – The Growing Place – has provided education, mentoring, and formation for children for decades. It is a school we are proud to see grandparents bring their grandkids to the classrooms they once learned and played in as well. It is a magical place.
Welcome home and please feel free to contact me in you have any questions. I look forward to personally greeting you and sharing with you our congregation life together. I have asked all our members to covenant with me to be saints together, to live in mystical humility before God, and to embrace Emerson’s question – “Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe?” We welcome you to visit MLCC and start walking your spiritual pilgrimage as saint, mystic, and seeker for the deepest intimacy with God and the universe.
Peace always,
Pastor Daniel